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    Rourkela, Odisha Hosts Biggest Hockey.

    India’s Largest Hockey Stadium in Rourkela, Odisha he FIH Hockey Men’s World Cup 2023 marked a historic moment forOdisha, as it hosted this prestigious quadrennial event for the secondconsecutive time. However, unlike the previous edition where all matcheswere held at Bhubaneswar’s Kalinga Stadium, this time, the newlyconstructed Birsa Munda Hockey Stadium in Rourkela played a […] More

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    Rumtek: Sikkim’s Dharma Chakra Center

    Rumtek: Sikkim’s Dharma Chakra Center Perched atop a serene hill overlooking Gangtok, Rumtek Monastery standsas one of Sikkim’s most significant and expansive monastic complexes.Founded in the 16th century by Wangchuk Dorje, the 9th Karmapa Lama,this sacred site was originally named the Dharma Chakra Centre. Itspurpose was clear: to disseminate the profound teachings of Buddha farand […] More

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    Russian scientists near cancer vaccine.

    Russian scientists near cancer vaccine breakthrough; promising progress in ongoing research and development. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a significant advancement in cancertreatment during a Moscow forum on future technologies. He disclosed that Russianscientists are nearing the development of cancer vaccines and immunomodulatorydrugs. Putin expressed optimism about the imminent effectiveness of these treatmentsin individual therapy. […] More

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    PA Shelter Empty After 47 Years

    Historic Milestone: Pennsylvania Animal Shelter Emptied After 47 Years This Christmas season brought a remarkable milestone for an animal shelter inPennsylvania, as the Adams County SPCA experienced a rare moment of emptinessafter 47 years of operation. In a heartwarming turn of events, the shelter found itselfcompletely empty, marking a significant achievement for the dedicated team […] More

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    Modi opens UAE’s BAPS temple.

    Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the UAE’s historic BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir inAbu Dhabi on February Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the UAE’s historic BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in AbuDhabi on February 14, marking a significant moment for the city’s Hindu community.The grand opening of this majestic temple holds immense cultural and religioussignificance, symbolizing the deep-rooted ties between India […] More

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    England introduces biodiversity credit scheme

    to align new projects with nature England has set a pioneering precedent by enforcing Biodiversity Net Gain, making itobligatory for significant housing developments to deliver a minimum 10% benefit fornature starting from February 12th. This move aligns with the UK government’s aim tohalt species decline by 2030, as outlined in the Environment Act. Developersundertaking major […] More

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    How Artificial Intelligence Is The Future

    Of Warfare Now, as we step into the digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as the nextfrontier in military innovation. AI-driven technologies promise to revolutionize warfare inways previously unimaginable. With the ability to process vast amounts of data atunprecedented speeds, AI enables quicker decision-making, enhances situationalawareness, and optimizes resource allocation on the battlefield. One of […] More

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    Shehbaz Sharif To Start Consultation

    To Appoint Interim Pak Prime Minister Furthermore, this move comes amidst growing discontentment with the ruling party’spolicies and governance, particularly regarding economic challenges, security issues,and allegations of corruption. Shehbaz Sharif’s decision underscores the importance ofensuring stability and consensus-building during this critical period in Pakistan’s history.The process of appointing an interim Prime Minister involves careful deliberation […] More

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    Novo Weight-Loss Drug Wegovy Shows

    Heart Benefit In Trial In the ongoing quest for effective weight loss solutions, Novo Nordisk has unveiledWegovy, a revolutionary weight-loss drug that has shown promising benefits for hearthealth in recent trials. Originally designed to tackle obesity and its related health issues,Wegovy’s unexpected heart benefits have added a new dimension to its efficacy. Theresults from the […] More

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    “Bilal Ilyas Jhandir: A Pakistani, 20-Year-Old Taylor Swift Enthusiast,

    Secures Guinness World Record Spot” The recent release of a 360-degree camera view of Mt. Everest has sent shockwaves through the online community, providing users with a captivating virtual expedition to the world’s highest peak. This immersive journey has left spectators mesmerized by the sheer grandeur of the mountain while simultaneously confronting them with the […] More

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    New Covid Vaccines Are On The Way As

    ‘Eris’ Variant Rises In the ongoing battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of the ‘Eris’ varianthas added a new layer of complexity to the global healthcare landscape. This variant,like its predecessors, has raised concerns about its potential impact on vaccineeffectiveness and the overall trajectory of the pandemic. As a result, scientists andpharmaceutical companies worldwide […] More

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    Deep-Sea Mining Could Soon Be Approved

    The International Seabed Authority (ISA), tasked with regulating the ocean floor, isgearing up for negotiations that could pave the way for deep-sea mining, including vitalmaterials for the green energy transition. After years of discussions, the authority isapproaching a crucial juncture where it must decide on accepting mining permitapplications. This development has raised concerns about the […] More

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