Nail artist Anubhuti Khanna, hailing from Raipur, Chhattisgarh, has showcased her artistic prowess on her nails. While the entire nation eagerly anticipates the landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon, Anubhuti has depicted the momentous event through nail art.
Anubhuti Khanna has portrayed the moments of Chandrayaan-3’s landing on the moon as historic. She has expressed India’s and ISRO’s achievements through nail art and is excited about the successful completion of this mission. People have praised Anubhuti’s artistry in this unique form of expression. Through her nail art, she has extended gratitude to the scientists at ISRO for dedicating their time and effort to bring pride to the nation. Anubhuti has held a keen interest in various forms of art since childhood. She elevates her nails with nail polish, creating various designs and patterns.

Under the leadership of BJP leader Amit Chimanani, a havan (a religious ritual) was conducted on Tuesday at the BTI Ground, along with the hope for the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3. Chimanani stated that Chandrayaan-3 is a symbol of today’s India, representing the nation to the world.
The people of India wish to script a history that is beyond the imagination of developed nations. We hope for the success of our country’s scientists. Murli Dhar Shadija, Asan Das Pidwani, Tanay Lunia, Dalvinder Bedi, Praveen Sahu, and others participated in the havan ceremony.