
Imtiyaz Butt, the proud Marine Chief Engineer

Mr. Imtiyaz Butt, the proud Marine Chief Engineer, an excellent father, and the living example of ‘never losing hope’. He was born in Calcutta, shifted to Chhattisgarh, and did his graduation from the National Institute of Technology in Bachelors of Mech Engineering. There is so much to write about him and we are lacking the words.

Meet Mr. Imtiyaz Butt, the proud Marine Chief Engineer, an excellent father, and the living example of ‘never losing hope’. He was born in Calcutta, shifted to Chhattisgarh, and did his graduation from the National Institute of Technology in Bachelors of Mech Engineering. There is so much to write about him and we are lacking the words.

He has been in the Merchant Navy for 37 years and unlike popular belief towards engineering, he is extremely passionate about it. He believes every single thing has a technical logic behind it, from pen to fan. If job satisfaction had a face, it would be him.

He used to sail for 6 months and stayed for 6 months with his family. For the time he used to stay with his family, he made up for all the lost moments, pampered the kids, and how!

He isn’t a strict figure per se but made a rule for everyone in the house that every meal will be together and everyone should be present there on the table (WITHOUT THEIR PHONES), as per the saying, “the family who eats together, stays together.” But the things in his life took a drastic turn when he was diagnosed with cancer in 2019 when he returned from sailing. During the entire time of his recovery, he never lost his hope and he was so cheerful during the entire time that he never let his family feel low because of his health issues.

Cancer did make him physically weak and challenged his mental well-being, but after one year of dealing with it, he coped up with it like a hero. He is a proud cancer survivor and is eagerly waiting for his health to get back in normal shape so that he can finally get back to work and his normal life of going around the world again.
He is a people’s person and strongly believes in the idea of sustaining his values and relations. He has always been supportive of his kid’s decisions while keeping his fatherly guard on.

We salute this Marine Chief Engineer for his will power and love for his family.

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