
MD. SOHEL SHAIKH-Co-founder of Saif and Sohel Entertainment.

Born and brought up in Raipur and proud co-founder of Saif and Sohel Entertainment. Sohel Sheikh at the Early Age started as a musician and singer.

Born and brought up in Raipur and proud co-founder of Saif and Sohel Entertainment.
Sohel Sheikh at the Early Age started as a musician and singer. Blissfully with the support of family and friends started performing for different bands in weddings and stage shows. With the time, the scenario of Music changed and he kept updating himself by the time. After the experience of so many years and so many weddings they moved towards into the Events & Wedding management industry

The passion for events and the music industry is something which keeps motivating him to grow and touch the sky.
During the struggling stages people underestimated him as a singer & musician but as they say hard work pays off! As an Event manager and wedding planner they have arranged some Big fat Weddings and Destination weddings at places like Goa, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Udaipur, Thailand with so many Bollywood singers & artists.
During all her ups and downs he never found himself alone. His brother was always there to help him and they together founded the company Saif and Sohel Entertainment.
He gets inspired by everyone everyday, anyone who is working hard for his passion and profession inspires him.
He believes in Karma, He says, “work hard and play harder.”
The first big destination wedding they arranged was in Jaipur, with so many Bollywood artists and our Client was 100% Satisfied with our Work and dedication.
He says “Always Keep up the spirit high for your passion whatever it is, stay kind and loyal to your clients and vendors and. nobody can stop you

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Alok Raja Sharma-a businessman by birth and a social worker by choice.⠀

Pratibha Bajaj- excelling fluently.