
Vishal Shivhare-The top Bassists and session bass player

Mr. Vishal Shivhare graduated from ITM University in BBA. He has been playing instruments since childhood, although he wasn’t interested much in playing instruments ,as his dad gifted him the guitar when he was in Class 8th. He attended a few classes of guitar for a couple of weeks at his early stage which he didn’t understand and stopped playing for like 2 years and then later he started exploring music and learned guitar on his own.

Meet Mr Vishal Shivhare @bass.man_ , One of the top Bassists and session bass player in Raipur.

Mr. Vishal Shivhare graduated from ITM University in BBA. He has been playing instruments since childhood, although he wasn’t interested much in playing instruments ,as his dad gifted him the guitar when he was in Class 8th. He attended a few classes of guitar for a couple of weeks at his early stage which he didn’t understand and stopped playing for like 2 years and then later he started exploring music and learned guitar on his own.

He was always eager to learn some good and interesting music and after a few years he started working with some fellow musicians and bands and started playing for them. He felt his music is not as he wants and sooner he started learning and exploring from top musicians of industry.

Mr Shivhare had a thing for Raipur, as he noticed, the people of Raipur are unaware of the culture of music, the forms and style of music, so he always had an eye to get any opportunity to play in Raipur and spread awareness about the good music.

From 2016, he started looking into music as something he can rely on, and focused more in enhancing his skills.

He started working with a band named 432 hertz @432hz.official from our own city Raipur and played bass for them. He initially was a Guitar player and shifted to bass.He now started playing as a freelance bassist and has few active bands.His band won various events such as: AIIMS Oriana Winner, IIT Bhilai Miraki, NIT and headlines for college fests ,War of bands winner, got featured in C.G. Rock Association End of Era show and Alpviram Underground rock scene.

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