Intermittent fasting is also known as Intermittent Energy Restrictions. Intermittent fasting is not a type of diet, it is a type of lifestyle, it is more of a time-based approach towards eating in ancient times, people used to sit this way because of the scarcity of food, but nowadays a lot of people are following intermittent fasting for weight
- Alternate-Day Fasting- It involves alternating between a 24-hour fast day when the person cats less than 25% of daily energy needs, followed by a 24 hour-fasting day. This is the stricter form of intermittent fasting.
- Periodic Fasting – The popular 52 diet, which involves severe energy restriction for 2 non connective days per week and a non-fasting day for the other 5 days During the fasting days, consumption of approximately 500- 700 calories or 25% of daily calorie intake can be allowed.
- Time-Restricted Fasting-Involating only a certain number of hours daily. The most common is 18:8 (18sting hours cycled by 8 non-fasting hours) which people are following for sight loss.
The science concerning intermittent Fasting is uncertain due to the absence of long-term studies on its effects on health and diseases. As of now, Intermittent fasting is a type of fad diet that attracts the common population with its quick weight loss results. Intermittent fasting gives quick but temporary weight loss because of a calorie-restricted diet.

People should not follow any diet blindly when it comes to intermittent fasting. If People are having any medical problems, they should be more careful before following any weight loss diet.
The weight loss diet should be balanced food and full of all nutrients which results in permanent weight loss. If someone wants to follow intermittent fasting for weight loss, then they should consult with a qualified dietitian and plan according to one’s health conditions and energy requirements.
Article By: Dr. Shweta Chhabra