Considering the scorching heat these days, Chhattisgarh Government has decided to keep all schools closed till the 26th of June. Actually, the school was about to open on the 15th of June, but the summer vacation of kids has been increased till the 26th of June now.
The Chhattisgarh Government came to this decision after monitoring the intense heat waves, which can be dangerous regarding the health of students as well as Teachers. Really, this is something school kids were not expecting. Now they have a few more extra days to chill and of course, to complete their incomplete homework. All schools in the state will reopen on the 27th of June now. There has been a steady rise in temperature, in the past few days, making it really difficult for people to face it, especially at noon. This step of Government is really appreciable. Seeing this, many other State Governments are implementing the same in their state. Jharkhand State’s Government on 12 June, declare the three days extension in the pre-decided summer vacation of the schools. The secretary of the school education and literacy department, Jharkhand, K Ravi Kumar has issued an official notice for all government and private schools to remain closed till June 14. Similarly, Patna District Administration has declared to keep the school closed until June 18.

Obviously, these calls made by the State Government will minimize the risk of heat strokes among children, as they are at a higher risk of getting caught by scorching heat waves and having adverse health effects due to it.