
Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s Birthday

It’s our captain cool Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s birthday today. Born on twin flame number 07-07-1981, number 7 is inimitable for him, Let’s know some stories related to Dhoni and number 7:

1) There are two 7’s on the date of Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s birthday of which one is the date and the other is the month. In such a situation, number seven is bound to be special for Mahi.  For this reason, he also presumes 7 as his lucky number and that’s why this player is also called the “Sikandar of 7”.

2) Apart from the jersey, the number 7 is also inscribed on Dhoni’s gloves. Possibly hence no one is a better wicketkeeper than Dhoni.

3) In the year 2007, under the captaincy of Dhoni, Team India won.  He won the first T20 World Cup played in Africa.  Dhoni made India the first champion of the T20 World Cup based on his intellect.

4) While buying every new car and bike, he tries his best to get only number 7 in the registration.  When he had ordered the Hummer H2 from abroad, he had specifically taken its number as 7781. Because it is the date of his birthday (7 July 1981).

5) Dhoni has also created a fitness and active lifestyle brand under the name Lucky No.7 and has opened stores of this brand in every major city of India.

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