All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur has been ranked 39th in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranking of best medical institutions. AIIMS Raipur is the only medical institute in Chhattisgarh to receive this rank. AIIMS Raipur got this position in the ranking released in Delhi by the Union Ministry of Education. According to the NIRF ranking, AIIMS Raipur has been ranked 39th with a score of 53.92, last year it was ranked 49th. Thus, AIIMS has progressed by ten ranks in one year.
The ranking of NIRF determines the ranking of all the colleges in various categories like Universities, Engineering Colleges, Management, Pharmacy, Dental, Law, and other disciplines. This ranking purely assesses the progress of institutions on various parameters, including resources available for teaching, research, and other academic activities including the performance of graduates. This year, AIIMS Raipur has been ranked highest in student strength (15.09), student-teacher ratio (30), teachers with higher education with Ph.D. and their experience (18.94), university exams (22.09), participation in various sectors (22.57), maximum marks have been obtained on women participation (25.36) and facilities for persons with disabilities (20). This is the second year in a row that AIIMS Raipur has secured the top 50 ranks among medical institutions in the NIRF ranking.

In AIMs, joint research projects are being carried out with IIT, IIM, NIT, and other institutions of national importance. Patents and research papers of teachers are also increasing continuously. In such a situation, the progress of AIIMS is pleasant, it has succeeded in establishing its own unique identity on the national scene.