Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated Gadh Kalewa built in the village Achhota, on May 17 during the Bhent-Mulakat program of the Dhamtari. During this, the Chief Minister appreciated Gadh Kalewa and interacted with the women of self-help groups, and discussed the arrangements in Gadh Kalewa.
Members of the group said that Chhattisgarhi cuisine Cheela, Fara, Thethari, Khurmi, Airsa, Chausela, Sohari, and other varieties of dishes will be available in Gadh Kalewa. Outdoor and indoor seating arrangements have been made for the customers where customers can enjoy their favorite dishes. It is noteworthy that Gadh Kalewa has been built to give a feel of a rural environment and of course to promote Chhattisgarhi cuisine. Customers will also get a Wi-Fi facility in Gadh Kalewa.
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the district’s first Wi-Fi zone at Mahatma Gandhi Rural Industrial Park. With this, people working in Rural Industrial Park, also people coming to Gadh Kalewa will get free internet facilities. Apart from this, school children will also be able to take advantage of this facility, as well as they can utilize the space and can do study here.
With the launch of the Wi-Fi facility here, RIPA has become the first Rural Industrial Park in the district to be equipped with this facility. MLA Sihawa Dr. Lakshmi Dhruv, Chhattisgarh State Mineral Development Corporation Chairman Girish Dewangan, Civil Supplies Corporation Chairman Ram Gopal Agarwal, District Panchayat member Mrs. Meena Banjare were present on the occasion.
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