Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me.
The worth of education and its consequences can be restated as of truth that the minute we are born; our parents begin educating us about a vital thing in life. A toddler starts learning innovative words and develops a vocabulary based on what his parents teach him. Education is the basic building block of every society. It is the single best investment countries can make to build prosperous, healthy, and, equitable societies.
Mastery Mathematics:
Changing Teacher beliefs around class – grouping, and mindset stated, change to advancements is always beneficial. A proper guide for the education sector is to accept the change with readiness to provide students with a curriculum where they not only learn theory but also learn practical and life skills. Online projects, assignments, and, some curriculum changes are really helpful. The proper plan would be to learn concepts and theories to adapt to them, then learn their practical functions using various techniques.

She believes in the fact that nothing on the earth can uplift or free our spirit in quite the same manner as education does and staying home should not stop anyone from learning and moving on with education. There are various platforms available that provide education online. Making use of it can be helpful, have my very own platform to provide students with the knowledge they require reading good books and self-study are highly recommended while staying home and so are learning new skills and trying to overcome thoughts that drag you back because in these desperate times we need to move forward and tell the world how strong we are and how educated we are.
We know a lot of people in our life. But most of us are influenced by a teacher. And which teacher? Which feature?
Here is one such sparkling teacher Mrs. Jyoti Kalwani, director and founder of the study circle coaching institute, one enthusiastic personality, or call her a superwoman, who started her classes with a handful of students which she has turned into hundreds in just a few years.
Moving to what she wants to convey to us all, is priceless. On being asked about the online classes going on these days, she replied, “Technology advancements are mostly seen as a boon in every field and mostly agree with it after all change has to be accepted readily otherwise there won’t be any advancements. Online teaching is a boon to us during these times of the COVID-19 crisis, students can stay in touch with their studies without violating the rules of lockdown and social distancing and yet have active participation in discussions with teachers and clarify their doubts using online interactive platforms.
But think sincerity and dedication of the same level are required during online classes as in regular physically attended ones. Online platforms have also made teachings and learnings more fun with interactive quizzes, animated explanations of topics, and mock tests. It does make a little difference with normal classes but after all, it’s up to the students who can grasp things and use them to their benefit”.